01656 745 822

Quality and Excellence

Weldlec has a policy of consistently striving to achieve an effective quality management system, leading to a quality of products and services that differentiates us from the competition and meets the requirements of our customers. In this way customer requirements and expectations will be fully met, achieving enhanced customer satisfaction via assured conformity to customer specifications, waste will be minimised and market share increased.

Weldlec’s Quality Policy forms the basis of the quality management system that the company operates. The Policy is communicated within our organisation and is reviewed and audited on a regular basis to ensure its continued effectiveness and improvement, and provide a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.

It is the responsibility of every employee to be fully conversant with the quality policy, the quality manual and the detailed procedures, as they apply to their work. Everyone throughout the business carries the responsibility for quality equally. We realise that quality can only be designed and built into our products by careful thought and thorough planning, and attention to detail.

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